That was one fast year. Raegan is one and we can't believe it. I swear that time goes 100x faster when you have kids. She turned 1 on Dec. 21st. We celebrated a day early so that Coy, Hannah and Luke could spend it with us. I am also seeing how difficult it is going to be to have a birthday so close to Christmas. I was Christmas shopping and then it hit me like a ton of bricks..RAEGANS BIRTHDAY!! She is so much fun and has a hilarious personality. She loves to laugh and loves to get into everything. She isn't walking yet, but crawls like a mad woman. She is also beginning to fight with Peyton. She is actually the bully and the boss of Peyton..she pinches and pulls her hair. AHH and so it begins!! Here's to years of girl fights!! Also, Peyton helped make the cake so she loved to lick the blenders.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Raegan is 1!!
That was one fast year. Raegan is one and we can't believe it. I swear that time goes 100x faster when you have kids. She turned 1 on Dec. 21st. We celebrated a day early so that Coy, Hannah and Luke could spend it with us. I am also seeing how difficult it is going to be to have a birthday so close to Christmas. I was Christmas shopping and then it hit me like a ton of bricks..RAEGANS BIRTHDAY!! She is so much fun and has a hilarious personality. She loves to laugh and loves to get into everything. She isn't walking yet, but crawls like a mad woman. She is also beginning to fight with Peyton. She is actually the bully and the boss of Peyton..she pinches and pulls her hair. AHH and so it begins!! Here's to years of girl fights!! Also, Peyton helped make the cake so she loved to lick the blenders.
Thanksgiving 2008
We spent Thanksgiving at Kirk's mom's house in Sundance. Brenda was able to come home for a really special Thanksgiving and the whole family was able to be there. Brenda was glowing on Thanksgiving day being with what she loved the It was of course an amazing feast at Kirk's grandma's house. With our family and a few hunters we were having Thanksgiving dinner with 45+ people!! It was a ton of fun and being that it was our last with Sissy it will never be forgotten..we have a lot to be thankful for! One picture is of Kirk and his two precious girls, one of all 5 babies together..they are getting so big, and the last is of Kirks brothers and Sissy.
Bath Time
Hello all=
I know that I have been a really bad blogger lately but we have been busy...really busy. I think all of you know that Kirk's sister Brenda was diagnosed with leukemia last April. Well, after 8 months of ups and downs, several rounds of chemo her little body couldn't go on anymore. She passed away on Dec. 5th. We all miss her so much and each day it becomes more and more clear that she is not coming back. At first I thought of this all as a really bad dream, but as each day passes I realize that it is reality and now we are all finding our own way to try to accept it. So needless to say we have been bouncing back and forth between Denver which is where she was being treated and Wyoming. Today we just returned from a 2 1/2 week stay in Wyoming (which was so windy and freezing). We were there for Brenda's memorial service and then of course Christmas which we spent at my sister Sarah's house in Tensleep. It was a "bitter sweet" trip but it feels good to be home and not living out of a suitcase. I have so much more that I could tell but I will leave the suspense for our "New Years" letter that of course will be late, but will hopefully get out soon. Here are some pictures of the last month or so. I love bath time and the girls are so cute together but they are actually starting to fight...not so cute, but anyways, enjoy the pics!!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Friendly Fun
Here is Peyton with the infamous Kayla. They are truly best friends and it is a love hate relationship. One minute they are best friends and the next they are fighting. I don't know I guess its the age. But they are still really cute together. This last week I spent it "gutting" the house. Going from room to room getting rid of stuff...lots of stuff. Mostly toys that are either broken or the girls just don't play with. Raegan is wearing one of the ridiculous head bands that yes, I did get rid of. Although she still looks kindof cute. But never would she wear one of those things in public:)
Aquarium Fun
While we were there visiting Brenda we decided to take the girls to the aquarium in Denver. It was really neat and Peyton seemed to enjoy it. Notice the gigantic fish that is next to Peyton in the 2nd picture and then the tiger above Peyton's head in the 1st picture. Hannah and Luke came with us too so it was a really fun day.
A visit with Sissy
Last week Kirk, the girls and I went to Denver to visit Brenda. It was so good to see everybody. Brenda seems to be doing well. It was also really exciting because Kayla and Chicken were able to come down as well. So for our last night in Denver we all stayed together at Jeff and Tina's as one big family. It has been a while since we have done that so it was really fun. We just played games and hung out. So here are a few pics from our trip. It was so cute to have all of the kids together.
Raegan seemed to be the bully of the babies. Stealing toys from the boys and throwing some major fits when they did the same to her! She also figured out how to officially crawl after seeing Brady do it. Now we really have to baby proof the home. And Peyton is such a home body. The entire time that we were there she just kept asking "When are we going home?" She does not like to be away from home. She is so funny that way. Hope you enjoy the pics!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Halloween 2008
Here's our girls on Halloween..they were so cute. Peyton of course was Sleeping Beauty and Raegan was a horse we joked that she was Sleeping Beauty's noble steed! We went trick or treating downtown at the businesses and then up to the Morman church for some "trunk or treating". It was fun for the girls and easy for me! Kirk had his last football game that night and so I had Annie come help me with the trick or treating adventure. Kirk's team won the game 52-21 so overall it was a very Happy Halloween!!
10 Months
Sunday, October 12, 2008
My Team
Even though they are not biologically my girls I still consider them "my girls". These are the girls who can make me so proud and yet make me so stressed. Trying to get 12 15-18 year old girls to work together can be challenging!! They are a really special group of girls. We have had a pretty good season so far and are doing really good lately. I am anxious for our matches this next week as we have a big chance to win them all!! We will see!!
Just our cute girls
A Visit with Jeff and Family
Last weekend Kirk's brother Jeff and his family came to visit us. It was fun to see them. They came on Thursday night and stayed until Saturday afternoon. I had the day off on Friday but I got home at 1:30 in the morning from a volleyball trip. Something was wrong with the bus and we had to stop several times including 1 long stop for 2 hours in Glenwood was miserable! So needless to say I was really tired on Friday so we just hung out until Kirk's football game that night. Saturday we had plans to go to the AppleFest in Cedaredge and wouldn't you was pouring down rain. So they decided to head on home. Kind of a bummer that things didn't work out. Oh well, maybe next time! It was great to see them, and it is so fun to see the kids together as they are so close in age. I was disappointed because I didn't get a picture of all four kids together but I will share the one of the babies.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Just Us
A Visit With Coy Hannah and Lukie
This last weekend was really fun. It was homecoming for Kirk and I which made it a really busy week, but it was nice because my parents were here to help out with the girls...which was a huge stress relief :) Also, Coy, Hannah and Luke came to visit us. It was great to see them and they got to see our new house which we have been in for nearly a year already! Time flies!! Anyways, while they were here we took them to see the Black Canyon it was fun but very windy and cold so we didn't stay for long. Kirk's football game didn't go so well...losing 10-12, and my team lost on Friday just barely, but we won on Saturday. Anyways, Coy and Hannah left this morning really early so that they could be in Aspen for a golf tournament. So glad they came to see us it was fun and great to see them.
Here's the girls supporting their Aunt Sissy by wearing their pink tigers shirts last Thursday. It's not the greatest picture but it is getting tricky to get them both to sit still for a picture. Raegan is on the move and wants to roll everywhere. She doesn't really like to just sit and hang out anymore.
Two of a Kind
Monday, September 15, 2008
Too Cute For Words
Sunday, September 14, 2008
And More...
Swimming Day
Today Kirk and I decided to take the girls to Ouray and go swimming in the hot springs pools. It was something that we have been wanting to do for a while and finally did it. Ouray is a town located in the San Juan mountains which is about an hour from here. It is beautiful there. We just played in the springs and looked at the beautiful mountains. It was so fun to just get out and do something with our family. We are so busy this time of year that we really needed to get away. After swimming we went next door and saw some huge gold fish and turtles. Peyton loved that. Then we went further into town and had lunch, hit a couple of the shops and then came home. It was a fun day and the girls were exhausted. They crashed as soon as they got into the car. But tomorrow is back to reality and back to craziness. I have 3 matches this week and of course Kirk has his game on Friday. He lost his game last Friday 42-14. Ouch, but it was against the #1 team in the state. He plays at Rifle this weekend. My team lost on Saturday but they played well. That is really all that matters to me. Of course I want to win but if they play well and lose I can handle that compared to playing terrible and getting killed. Wish us luck for this next week because Kirk and I both need a big W to keep our sanity!! Enjoy the pics!
New Dress
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
1st Day of School
Here's Peyton ready for her big 1st day. I don't think I am to fond of her going to school quite yet. It just seems like she should still be our little baby, and now she will be going to school from here on out. I keep telling Kirk that maybe we should keep her home for 1 more year just so that we can enjoy it while we can. She has already gotten so big so fast that I don't want it to go any faster. Kind of sad. But oh-well I better get over it because I have to let her go at some point.
Just Hanging Out
Friday, August 29, 2008
These will make you smile!!
Here's my girls this morning. Aren't they so cute! We went to the park today and it was so hot. When we walked back through the door Peyton says "Mom I need a rest" she grabbed her blanket her giraffe and pig and off to bed she went!! Raegan is now down for a nap as well. Quiet times in our house at least for a few minutes!!
Monday, August 25, 2008
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
School Daze
Hello Everyone. Today was our first day back at school. Went pretty well..very busy though. Our girls had their first day at a new babysitter's(our regular babysitter moved:() and they did great. Kirk's sister received her bone marrow transplant today as well and it went off without a hitch. Yeah!! This has been weighing on our minds for a while now and soon we will know that the cells are accepting Brenda as the host!! Pretty exciting but also nerve racking!! Kirk and I are both involved with our fall sports seasons and are extremely busy with those. Never a dull moment!! Between school, practice, and our girls we are running ragged!! Things will settle down soon though as we get into a routine. Mom and dad's house is near completion but we need their house in Wyoming to sell so that they can get down here. Their house is beautiful and we are excited to have them so close. Annie and Robert are going through the invitro-fertilization process and we are waiting to find out that she is pregnant!! Hopefully soon and hopefully twins!! Anyways, I better get going and get some sleep as I need to take it when I can!! Take Care-
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Going for a Walk
Rubber Ducky
Friday, August 8, 2008
Chillin with Grandpa Gus
Opposites Attract
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Summer is Over
Hello everyone! This week is nearly over and it has of course gone way too fast. Trying to get everything ready for next week has been crazy. Kirk has a ton of things to do and so do I and finding the time in between our girls and just normal life has been challenging. We had to go and get our computers up to date for the upcoming school year and they accidentally deleted all of my pictures that I had saved onto my computer:( I had nearly 500 pictures on this thing and they are all gone with the exception of 10 pics that I had saved onto my desktop. So I will be trying to reload all of them soon so that I can update you all with new pics of the girls. Anyways, hope all is well with you all and we will blog again later.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Home Again
We finally got home tonight. We were gone for about 2 weeks visiting family. It was really nice to see everyone and spend time with them, but it feels so good to be home. We spent about 5 days with Kirk's family in Denver. Kirk's sister Brenda is having a bone marrow transplant on the 19th so she has been in Denver receiving treatments and getting ready for the transplant. So we stayed with Kirk's brother Coy during that time and did a little shopping and just hanging out. We then traveled on to my mom's house for the remainder of the trip. As I said in the other post we were there to celebrate my 10 year reunion. It was my oldest sister Sarah's 20 year reunion so that was fun. Sarah's family came to visit as well so we had a full house. Peyton had Kinley to play with and Bailey and Madison had a great time packing Raegan around. Raegan was teething so she was crabby but the girls were there to spoil her. It was a fun time but now it's back to reality. Kirk and I will spend the rest of the week preparing for fall sports. So off to bed now..take care.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Here are our 2 girls with one of their cousins. This is Luke David (Coy's baby) he is 4 months now and so handsome. We have several babies on Kirk's side of the family. Raegan was born in December, Brady Wayne (Jeff's baby) was born in January and Luke was born in March. Then of course we have Jakob and Peyton are both 3. Sort of a baby boom!! With my 2 girls my parents have 5 granddaughter's now. Still waiting for that boy!!
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