Kirk and I hardly have any pictures of just us..obviously because we are always just taking pictures of our girls so I thought I would share one of the few that we have!!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Just Us
Kirk and I hardly have any pictures of just us..obviously because we are always just taking pictures of our girls so I thought I would share one of the few that we have!!
A Visit With Coy Hannah and Lukie
This last weekend was really fun. It was homecoming for Kirk and I which made it a really busy week, but it was nice because my parents were here to help out with the girls...which was a huge stress relief :) Also, Coy, Hannah and Luke came to visit us. It was great to see them and they got to see our new house which we have been in for nearly a year already! Time flies!! Anyways, while they were here we took them to see the Black Canyon it was fun but very windy and cold so we didn't stay for long. Kirk's football game didn't go so well...losing 10-12, and my team lost on Friday just barely, but we won on Saturday. Anyways, Coy and Hannah left this morning really early so that they could be in Aspen for a golf tournament. So glad they came to see us it was fun and great to see them.
Here's the girls supporting their Aunt Sissy by wearing their pink tigers shirts last Thursday. It's not the greatest picture but it is getting tricky to get them both to sit still for a picture. Raegan is on the move and wants to roll everywhere. She doesn't really like to just sit and hang out anymore.
Two of a Kind
Monday, September 15, 2008
Too Cute For Words
Sunday, September 14, 2008
And More...
Swimming Day
Today Kirk and I decided to take the girls to Ouray and go swimming in the hot springs pools. It was something that we have been wanting to do for a while and finally did it. Ouray is a town located in the San Juan mountains which is about an hour from here. It is beautiful there. We just played in the springs and looked at the beautiful mountains. It was so fun to just get out and do something with our family. We are so busy this time of year that we really needed to get away. After swimming we went next door and saw some huge gold fish and turtles. Peyton loved that. Then we went further into town and had lunch, hit a couple of the shops and then came home. It was a fun day and the girls were exhausted. They crashed as soon as they got into the car. But tomorrow is back to reality and back to craziness. I have 3 matches this week and of course Kirk has his game on Friday. He lost his game last Friday 42-14. Ouch, but it was against the #1 team in the state. He plays at Rifle this weekend. My team lost on Saturday but they played well. That is really all that matters to me. Of course I want to win but if they play well and lose I can handle that compared to playing terrible and getting killed. Wish us luck for this next week because Kirk and I both need a big W to keep our sanity!! Enjoy the pics!
New Dress
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
1st Day of School
Here's Peyton ready for her big 1st day. I don't think I am to fond of her going to school quite yet. It just seems like she should still be our little baby, and now she will be going to school from here on out. I keep telling Kirk that maybe we should keep her home for 1 more year just so that we can enjoy it while we can. She has already gotten so big so fast that I don't want it to go any faster. Kind of sad. But oh-well I better get over it because I have to let her go at some point.
Just Hanging Out
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