Here is Peyton with the infamous Kayla. They are truly best friends and it is a love hate relationship. One minute they are best friends and the next they are fighting. I don't know I guess its the age. But they are still really cute together. This last week I spent it "gutting" the house. Going from room to room getting rid of stuff...lots of stuff. Mostly toys that are either broken or the girls just don't play with. Raegan is wearing one of the ridiculous head bands that yes, I did get rid of. Although she still looks kindof cute. But never would she wear one of those things in public:)
Monday, November 17, 2008
Friendly Fun
Here is Peyton with the infamous Kayla. They are truly best friends and it is a love hate relationship. One minute they are best friends and the next they are fighting. I don't know I guess its the age. But they are still really cute together. This last week I spent it "gutting" the house. Going from room to room getting rid of stuff...lots of stuff. Mostly toys that are either broken or the girls just don't play with. Raegan is wearing one of the ridiculous head bands that yes, I did get rid of. Although she still looks kindof cute. But never would she wear one of those things in public:)
Aquarium Fun
While we were there visiting Brenda we decided to take the girls to the aquarium in Denver. It was really neat and Peyton seemed to enjoy it. Notice the gigantic fish that is next to Peyton in the 2nd picture and then the tiger above Peyton's head in the 1st picture. Hannah and Luke came with us too so it was a really fun day.
A visit with Sissy
Last week Kirk, the girls and I went to Denver to visit Brenda. It was so good to see everybody. Brenda seems to be doing well. It was also really exciting because Kayla and Chicken were able to come down as well. So for our last night in Denver we all stayed together at Jeff and Tina's as one big family. It has been a while since we have done that so it was really fun. We just played games and hung out. So here are a few pics from our trip. It was so cute to have all of the kids together.
Raegan seemed to be the bully of the babies. Stealing toys from the boys and throwing some major fits when they did the same to her! She also figured out how to officially crawl after seeing Brady do it. Now we really have to baby proof the home. And Peyton is such a home body. The entire time that we were there she just kept asking "When are we going home?" She does not like to be away from home. She is so funny that way. Hope you enjoy the pics!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Halloween 2008
Here's our girls on Halloween..they were so cute. Peyton of course was Sleeping Beauty and Raegan was a horse we joked that she was Sleeping Beauty's noble steed! We went trick or treating downtown at the businesses and then up to the Morman church for some "trunk or treating". It was fun for the girls and easy for me! Kirk had his last football game that night and so I had Annie come help me with the trick or treating adventure. Kirk's team won the game 52-21 so overall it was a very Happy Halloween!!
10 Months
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