Well we had the big ultrasound today. Right away we found out we are having a boy!! I just can't believe it...There are no boys in my family. So I had to ask her..."Are you sure?" But she said that there was no denying it and that there was a peepee and that he was proud of it. He had it out there for all to see! Here is one of the ultrasound pictures, it is kind of hard to see because it is a picture of a picture. But look on the right side of the picture and you will see his peepee sticking straight out. So needless to say we are going to have to start planning for a little boy, which will be so weird because I am so used to pink!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
We Can't Believe It!!
Well we had the big ultrasound today. Right away we found out we are having a boy!! I just can't believe it...There are no boys in my family. So I had to ask her..."Are you sure?" But she said that there was no denying it and that there was a peepee and that he was proud of it. He had it out there for all to see! Here is one of the ultrasound pictures, it is kind of hard to see because it is a picture of a picture. But look on the right side of the picture and you will see his peepee sticking straight out. So needless to say we are going to have to start planning for a little boy, which will be so weird because I am so used to pink!
Peytons Birthday
Here are some pictures of Peyton's birthday with her friends. They painted flower pots, decorated tiara's, ate some cake, and of course presents! It was a good time for all of them. We had 9 kids here total. 6 of them including Peyton participated in the party. Also, I got Peyton a huge princess balloon and of course Raegan really took a liking to it. She loved that thing and the look on her face when she was playing with it was priceless. Also how cute are the outfits that Grandma Chicken got the girls. The pink and brown one that Raegan is wearing and the orange adidas one that Peyton is wearing. Thanks Grandma!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
The finished product and Raegan too!
So here is the finished product. I finished it at 11:00 tonight. I hope that it will hold strong until 2:00 tomorrow for the party. We had a busy day today as we were spreading mulch and tomorrow we get to spread gravel. Anyways, took this picture of Raegan this morning. She was playing so cute in Peyton's bed.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
More Pics
Pictures of her day
Peyton had a pretty good 4th birthday. It started with her choosing all of her meals for the day. Poptarts, and strawberry cereal for breakfast, mac & cheese for lunch and chicken nuggets with strawberries for dinner. She got a princess scooter from us, and she loved it. She took it for a cruise around the block with Raegan tagging closely behind. (Daddy followed too!) She got princess movies from Uncle Brian and Aunt Kayla, in which she watched two of them today..Thanks guys! Princess stickers from Uncle Coy and Aunt Hannah as well as from Donna and Roger..Thank you! Grandma Chicken gave her some money which will go in her piggy bank, for something real special someday..Thanks Grandma! Grandma Amy and Grandpa Gus got her the Rapunzel barbie doll, which she loves. Thank you!! Aunt Annie and Uncle Robert got her a new princess nightgown and a ball that hooks onto the hose. She is wearing the nightgown tonight and it is really cute. Thank you to all for thinking of our girl on her big day. She will be having her friend party on Friday, there are 5 friends from our neighborhood coming over. It should be fun:) Anyways, I started on the castle cake today. 4 cakes, 3 boxes of mix and 4 boxes of frosting later, I am 3/4 finished. It has turned out pretty good so far. I just need to add some detail into it. Here is a picture of what I did today, and I will post another when it is finished. Enjoy the pics!!
Does She Look 4?
Ok the day is finally here. Peyton turned 4 at 5:27 am. I took some pictures of her 1st thing this morning, just to see if you thought she looks like a 4 year old. Birthday's are an exciting time, but it is also sad. She is getting so big. She keeps saying "I will be a baby again" and I obviously know that she is only going to get bigger and get further and further away from being a baby. We are going to have a day of whatever Peyton wants. Aunt Annie and Uncle Robert are coming over for dinner. When I asked Peyton what she wants for her birthday dinner she said "eggs". So I think we are going to have several different kind of eggs tonight. It will be an egg buffet. I think Kirk is going to take her swimming, and she is going to play at a friends house. Her birthday party is on Friday and we have 6 of her friends invited. She wanted a castle cake so I am going to get started today as it is going to be a long process. Anyways, enjoy the pics of the girls. Raegan was being festive in her birthday crown for her sister. Well, we obviously got a new camera yesterday so more pictures will be posted!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Just more pictures to share!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Just Pics!
From Panther to Bruin
Hello everyone-
Just a little update..Kirk was offered the teaching job at Cedaredge which is about 20 min. away from Delta. He accepted the job and will now be a Bruin instead of a Panther. He will be the P.E. teacher there at the high school and will be assistant coach to football and track. He will be an assistant to a guy who coached in the CFL (Canadian Football League) so hopefully he will learn a lot and it will just make him an even better coach. Kirk has been so busy lately with school, coaching, and working on his masters. He will have his master program finished this June, so we are really looking forward to that! I will be teaching in Delta next year and it will be weird to not have Kirk there. It is really nice to work with him. But I think he will be happy with where he is going. I am now 19 weeks into this pregnancy and everything has been going well so far. We have yet to find out what the baby is but we should be finding out here in a couple of weeks. Healthy is all I am asking for! Peyton and Raegan are doing great. Peyton was sick yesterday with the stomach flu so Kirk stayed home with the girls and helped Peyton get well. She is bouncing off the walls today and hopefully it does not spread to the rest of us! Anyways, next week is Peyton's birthday and we are getting family pictures done as well as Raegan's 1 year and Peyton's 4 year so hopefully we will get some good ones! Until next time...take care everyone!
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