31 weeks and counting. Trust me I am counting down not only the weeks but the days. I am so excited to meet our little boy, but since I am due at the end of the summer I don't want to look too forward to it because I don't want my summer to go too fast. Does that make sense? Anyways, I don't think my belly can stretch any further. My skin feels like it is going to split open, and still have 9 weeks to go in which the baby will be growing alot! So we will see just how big I am going to get. If I keep eating icecream the way that I am, I am going to double in size:) How do you like my sunburn? :) Also, just some other pictures of tonight.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Large and in Charge!
31 weeks and counting. Trust me I am counting down not only the weeks but the days. I am so excited to meet our little boy, but since I am due at the end of the summer I don't want to look too forward to it because I don't want my summer to go too fast. Does that make sense? Anyways, I don't think my belly can stretch any further. My skin feels like it is going to split open, and still have 9 weeks to go in which the baby will be growing alot! So we will see just how big I am going to get. If I keep eating icecream the way that I am, I am going to double in size:) How do you like my sunburn? :) Also, just some other pictures of tonight.
Thanks Grandma and Grandpa!!
Grandma and Grandpa got the girls some pools to play in. They love them. Yesterday we started to swim at 10:45a.m. and I finally got Peyton in at 5:00p.m. I am totally fried from being out so long. Peyton got a little too much sun as well, but as you can see from the pics they had a blast.I ran out of swim diapers for Raegan so you can see how she has the huge swollen rear end from her regular diaper. Thank you Grandma and Grandpa!!
Hiking trip
Since we have a pretty uneventful summer, Kirk and I want to make it fun for the girls. We have been taking them out to do different things. This trip we went hiking. It was beautiful, but the snow drifts were still pretty deep and the mosquitos were terrible. The girls were dressed in pants, and jackets and the mosquitos still chewed them up, especially Raegan. I suppose the water that is from the snow melting would be a breeding ground for them.
We have been going to Gymnastics for a few weeks now. Peyton did them last fall as well, and we took a break in the Spring but she has started them up again this summer. She loves it and it is fun to watch her do them. It is fun now that she is getting a little older to watch her try new things. But I don't want her to grow up either. It seriously makes me sad that she is getting so big so fast! She finally got brave enough to spin over the bar. We have been taking her to the playground and working with her on it.
Summer Update
Just an update for you. The month of June has been a fast, and uneventful month for us. It was rainy and overcast for the first half of the month. Not really feeling like summer. But suddenly within the past few days Summer has hit and it has hit hard. The temp has been in the high 90's and we can feel every hot degree of it. You step outside and it feels like you are touching the sun. Kirk has been a little busy with football stuff, but I have been busy with well I guess you could say just getting fat and being a mom!! Usually our summer's are total chaos and this summer is so calm. I should really take advantage because I think this is the calm before the storm:) Here are some pictures from when Grandpa Gus was here. The girls love their Grandpa and you can see Raegan cuddling up to him. The others were just some of the girls when we were hanging out.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Happy Birthday Grandma!!!
New Cousins
We have been lucky lately. My new nieces Allison and Kelsie came home on mother's day, and they have started to come over to our house for visits. It is fun to have them come, but I must say that I don't envy my sister for having twins. Nuts flat out Nuts. But they are getting so big and are doing well. Peyton was excited because she finally got to hold one of the babies that we have been telling her about. She got to hold Allison and was so excited and so cute. She loves babies is such a good big sister to Raegan and I can't wait to see her with the new baby. Kelsie was getting Peyton used to babies real quick. I was burping her and Peyton wanted to help so she sat next to me and was patting her on the back when Kelsie puked all over me and Peyton. I couldn't help but laugh. Peyton of course was traumatized and I just kept telling her...thats what babies do!!
Visit to Wyoming
Usually in the summer we love to go back to Wyoming for a month or so. But this time it just didn't work out. We left 2 days after finishing school and stayed for only a week as Kirk had to be back to finish his master's program that he has been working on for the last 2 years. We got back to Colorado on Friday and he left Saturday for a week to finish his masters program at Adam's State which is in Alamosa Co. He was there for a week, the girls and I missed him very much and we are so proud of him for finishing this masters program. He did it to benefit our family and it was not an easy time for him. Hard classes along with dealing with losing sissy, and everything that went on at work. If it were me I probably would have thrown in the towel, but he stuck it out and made it. Shows you truly what kind of person he really is. So proud of him!!:) Anyways, here a are a few of the pictures of our trip. We had a busy time. Birthday party, wedding reception and of course Sissy's service. The girls had a blast especially being on the ranch. Peyton had a special four-wheeler ride with Uncle Brian (I think he kind of thinks Peyton is pretty special) and we took the girls for an outing at Spearfish Park. We love to go to Grandma's house!!
Remembering Sissy
Last month we traveled home to Sundance for Sissy's service. It was a beautiful day and a really neat way to remember someone so special. It wasn't easy putting her to rest, it just makes it all seem so real when truthfully it still feels like a bad dream, but it does help with having a little closure. Here are a few of the pictures of the day.
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