I feel like sometimes that there are tons of pictures of Gus and Peyton but hardly any of Raegan so here are some... she was having fun with having mommy all to her self. I was chasing her around the house to catch some cute pics. I got so many!
Monday, April 26, 2010
Just Raegan
I feel like sometimes that there are tons of pictures of Gus and Peyton but hardly any of Raegan so here are some... she was having fun with having mommy all to her self. I was chasing her around the house to catch some cute pics. I got so many!
New Pics
Just some new pics to share. Gus is 8 months old today, which I can't believe. In just 4 short months he will be a year. He is finally sitting up on his own which is nice. He loves to sit and play with his toys. It makes him much happier because he is a busy boy. He also loves to role around and get into anything that he can. The girls love to play with him and they are so cute together. They love to get into his crib and play with him.
Peyton is 5!
So April 15th marked the 5th birthday of our Peyton girl. I can't believe she is five already, she has grown up way too fast! We had Dr. appts for Gus on her birthday so we waited and celebrated with a party on the 17th. She got to pick out a new bike for her birthday and of course it is a princess bike. She looks like such a big girl when she rides it. She wanted a Strawberry shortcake birthday so I modified it into a strawberry party. I made cupcakes, and for the party we had strawberry jello jigglers, strawberry koolaid, strawberries and fruit dip and for the adults we had strawberry shortcake (just like Grandma Chicken's :) We had a few of her friends over and we planted strawberry plants into the pots that the kids painted. I can't believe how much I stress over little kids bday parties...it is ridiculous. I just want everyone to have fun and for Peyton to have a good party. Anyways, here are a few of the pics of the party.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Easter Video!
Just a cute little video...
See...does she look or sound sick? 1 hour later she had a fever and was miserable...weird!
See...does she look or sound sick? 1 hour later she had a fever and was miserable...weird!
Easter Dresses
Happy Easter!
Hello everyone-
Happy Easter to all of you! We didn't have such a happy easter. Fever and even a visit to the ER. Peyton was sick on Friday morning with the pukes, she was fine all day Saturday and Sunday morning. We got all dressed up in our Easter dresses for church. We headed to church and half way through they paged me for Peyton. They said that she almost passed out. She wanted to drink a lot of water and she just kept asking to go home. She was in a beautiful foo foo dress which is totally her thing, and when she asked to go home and put her PJ's back on, I knew she was sick! We got her home and she was running a fever of 102. Completely out of nowhere. So we gave her some tylenol and she just laid low for a while. She kept complaining that her stomach hurt, so that made me a little concerned. Sudden fever and bad stomach pain, I was thinking something was seriously wrong with her. Made a call into the Doc and she suggested that we go to the ER in case her appendix was rupturing. So off we went. They checked her out and sent us home. She did have a trace of blood in her urine, so they were thinking maybe a urinary tract infection. Who knows! So today I am home from school and she is unable to keep any solid foods down. We are going to get her urine checked again today, so that may give us some answers. My main concern was how this just came on so fast yesterday morning, when she had no symptoms of anything all day Friday and Saturday. But time will tell! On another note, yesterday morning was so cute with the girls. They crack me up because every other morning besides Christmas and Easter they are up by about 7 am or so. On those two mornings they stay in bed until 8 or 8:30 almost as if they are scared to come out or something. Anyways, they got spoiled from the Easter Bunny and then they had a blast looking for the eggs. They of course looked adorable in their Easter dresses. My mom found them at Sams. Well hopefully Peyton is on the mend as next week is our break week and her 5th birthday. I am thinking that I may rent one of the bump and jump's as they have a disney princess castle and I think she would love it. Anyways, hope all is well with everyone and enjoy the pics!
Friday, March 19, 2010
Sorry, I'm Lazy!
So I know that I have been slacking on posts lately and I am sorry! For some reason, any time that I get "free time" I just want to catch a quick nap. Laziness I'm sure, but having troubles kicking the habit:) Anyways, not a whole lot of new stuff going on here. Just really looking forward to our next break which is coming in about 3 weeks. After this next break, we will have about 7 weeks of school left....yeah summer! A couple of weeks ago we had a nice surprise with Grandma Chicken coming to visit for Kirk's birthday. I could hardly wait to tell him that she was coming, but seeing the look on his face when he saw her was well worth the wait! He was so cute and so happy that she came. The kids are doing great. I had to register Peyton for kindergarten this week...weird very weird! She is just getting too big way too fast! Raegan was so cute yesterday, Kirk had to dress up for his interview and she was so shocked to see him dressed that way, she said "Daddy looks like a prince!" How cute is that?! Gus is naughty as ever. Cute of course but naughty. He throws some pretty good fits, to where I have had to give him a little "time out" because there is nothing that we can do with him when he gets like that. He gets put in his bed to scream it out. His fuse is about a centimeter long. And when it blows...it BLOWS! Anyways, all is well here. Enjoy the pics and we hope to see everyone soon! P.S. Happy Birthday Sissy! Love you and Miss you Always!
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Snow Snow Snow!
We got hammered with a thick wet heavy snow the other night. The girls were loving it, trying to catch snowflakes. They were coming down so fast, they were almost like snow clumps instead of flakes. The next morning we sent the girls out to play while Kirk shoveled the driveway. Peyton wanted to come in, and we made her stay out for just a little longer with Reagan. When we told her that she needed to stay out longer, she went outside and stared at us through the window and pushed her nose against it. It was pretty funny and she really looked pathetic. So pathetic that we let her come in:)
Peek A Boo
Yesterday I was playing peek a boo with Gus and he had the biggest smile on his face. So glad that I could capture it to share! Peyton was helping me make cookies for her little friend Kayla that lives across the street. She and her mom and brother were in a head on collision on Friday, THANK GOD they are all alright. A few injuries of course, but we are just so thankful that they were able to walk away with just that. We made them dinner tonight along with Chocolate chip cookies, which Peyton of course was a big helper. Well, we head back to school tomorrow. It was so nice having a week of nothing. Kirk starts track tomorrow so back to chaos. Oh well, the rest of the school year is going to fly by.
Hopefully I can get this to load, this is my 1st time attempting to load a video so we will see...
If it loads the right one, it is so cute of Gus. Ijust took it a couple of days ago.
If it loads the right one, it is so cute of Gus. Ijust took it a couple of days ago.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Random Pics
Battle of the Rashes
So this is what I have been talking about. When Gus' rashes decide to flare up, this is what he looks like. I think that putting him on the formula is definitely helping because it is happening less often, but the fact that it is still happening is driving me crazy! I just feel so bad for the poor guy, it has to itch like crazy.
Lucky Mommy and Daddy
Last week was my 30th birthday...UGHH! I just don't feel 30, not that 30 is old but I guess in some way I thought I was going to be in my 20's for a really long time and they just went way too fast. And my 30's are going to go even faster, it just plain scares me! Anyways, Kirk was so awesome and surprised me with a little getaway to Glenwood Springs. My mom kept the kids and we were able to really enjoy ourselves with a nice dinner, and a night out on the town. When we got back to Delta, we had the superbowl party at my mom's as well as a little birthday party. Mom and dad got me a new ipod for working out, and Annie got me a new bracelet that has all of my kids names on it. Chicken sent me the sweetest card with a little cash for myself, and overall I can say I had an awesome birthday! These pics are to show just how lucky Kirk and I are to have such awesome kids. We are so blessed with each one of them and I just thank god for them everyday!
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