I can't believe it is that time of year already. Here are the kids in their halloween costumes. Yesterday was a carnival at the highschool for the kids and we dressed them up and took them for a fun filled evening. They had activities such as face painting, a cake walk, pumpkin bowling, cookie decorating and a couple of other fun things for them to do. They had alot of fun. Tonight we will go trick or treating downtown at the businesses if it is not too cold. Peyton won the best girls costume lastnight...I think it was the hair! It was so funny, people didn't recognize her with all of that hair. I will post more pics after we go trick or treating.
Also, I took the little man to the doctor yesterday for his 2 month check up and he weighed in at 13.5 lbs and is 24 1/2 inches long. He is a big boy!