A picture update just for Grandma. I know I probably don't update enough for our grandma's. Anyways, we are all finally healthy...(knock on wood). We just finished our break week and it of course went way too fast. Back to chaos tomorrow. Kirk starts back to school and Peyton as well. My parents finally sold their house last week so the kids and I will be traveling home to help them pack up. Hope to see all of you while we are there!! Well I hope you enjoy the new pics. Our little man is changing so much everyday. He will be 8 weeks on Wed. and we can't believe how fast time has gone. The girls are getting cuter everyday and Raegan is talking more and more. She is so funny with the things that she says. Peyton is 4 going on 16 and has more attitude everyday. Sometimes it is funny and at other times its not so funny:) Anyways, I better be going and get kids to bed.
And grandma's beautiful little girls, being such good BIG SISTERS!!!! So proud of you!!!! Wish I could get one BIG OLE HUG!!!! XOXOXOXO
Do I see a crooked little smile from the handsome little man?????? He's going to be a big flirt, how adorable!!!!! XOXOXOXO
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