Well, we are proud to announce the arrival of Gus David McLaughlin. He came fast into the world on Wed. August 26th at 11:10 pm. He weighed 9lbs 0.8 oz and was 21 1/4 inches. Big strong healthy baby boy!! He has been such a good baby so far. His big sisters are really taking to him. At first they really didn't seem to care, but now that we are home with him, they think he is pretty neat. He is showing signs of having jaudice so he has been under the lights for the past 2 days. Hopefully he will be on the mend when we take him in to be checked tomorrow. It is so fun to finally have him here and to see what he adds to our family. Anyways, enjoy the pics and there will be more to come.
O.K. this makes it hard to not just pack up and head out!!!!!!! Look at those arms!!!!! He reminds me of Kirk,Coy and Jeff as babies he has that LOOK.... I don't know how much bigger Daddy could SMILE, wouldn't be proud or anything would he???? What about Grandpa GUS????? Does little Gus have the title to that pickup yet???? ha ha He just looks so sweet and perfect, Way to go, you guys do make the most beautiful babies.... I Love you Hugs to all...
Hi Kirk and Leigh, Coy was looking at your pics last night... what a handsome little nephew we have!!! He looks so big and healthy. I'm glad you're all doing well. I don't know if I've ever seen Kirk smile so big in the time I've known him... he's such a great daddy! We hope to come out at some point this fall and will try and talk with you all and see if there is a good time.
Can't wait to hug and spoil the new guy!!! Love you all..
and Leigh, I've laughed several times after talking to you on the phone about Gus's arrival... you crack me up!!!! Love Hannah and fam
Wow, how awesome is that. Just got done talking to Brian and he was sure missing all his neices and nephews. I bet you he wishes he could be in Delta to see the New Sheriff in town. I'm so happy for you guys. I hope you know you have to stop now because after an 7 lb'er, 8 lb'er, and 9 lb'er you know what comes next!! Love you guys can't wait to see the five of you!!
I'm so excited for you guys! Congratulations! I'm sure the girls are just loving him! I'll be sending something shortly. I'm so happy for you guys!
I miss the kids so much already. Little Gus will be so big and will be getting a little personality by the time I get back to see him. Dad really is hoping to get down there before too long. I sure miss Peyton and Raegie. Sarah will be down Tues. so I will see some of my family this week anyway. Love, Mom
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