Well, we are adjusting to being parents of three. It really hasn't been that much different so far. I guess that is because baby Gus sleeps all of the time. Things may be different in a couple of weeks or so. Peyton has been a huge help with Raegan and Gus. She helps me with getting diapers and even with getting Raegan dressed. She loves to help with the baby. Raegan on the other hand could care less about the baby and is more interested in being naughty. She has figured out how to throw fits about EVERYTHING. Hopefully it is just a phase and she will be out of it soon:) Anyways, just wanted to share a few more pictures with you, as he is going to grow up way too fast just as his sisters did. The picture with Kirk and Gus is of them watching their 1st football game together....I can guarantee there will be more of those! The picture of Gus with his eyes open really looks like my dads senior picture..well I think so anyways:)
Dad says he's a stud!!! He is so cute in those pictures and I love the one of Raegan and of Peyton taking care of her baby brother. Miss them already.
Leigh, there will be many more football games watched together I'm sure. Luke already stops playing to cheer at the TV when football is on. He is now even waving his arm around and yelling "come on" and claps. It is too cute, and makes dad soooo proud to have his son loving sports:) Gus looks super cute, we can't wait to meet him in person and miss our sweet girls.
Take Care Love you guys!!
Congratulations! They are all too cute. You guys have a beautiful family!! LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU
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