Hello everyone-
New pics to share..life is hectic with 3....especially when they are sick. Last week we had the stomach flu go through each one of the kids. It has seemed to stick around with Raegan a little longer than we would like, but she seems to be getting much better. She has had the runs for a week now and we actually took her to the ER yesterday because of blood in her stools. They are running some tests on her poop and we should hopefully be getting some results within the next couple of days. I'm sure all of you wanted to know that:) Anyways, I am getting ready to go back to work in a couple of weeks. I don't know that I am really ready as I still feel that our routine is a work in progress. We are getting there but when I go back to work it is going to make things way more hectic. We are enjoying the craziness of our lives and we know that it is going to go by quickly as the kids grow so fast. Well, I better get going and get kids ready for bed. Enjoy the pics!
Little Gus has really changed and sure looks like an older baby. He doesnt have the newborn look anymore. I hope things get cleared up for Raegan and you start having a little more sanity in your life. Peyton looks like she's ready for some shooting competition. See you guys in a week or so. Love,Mom
Baby boy is just changing so fast!!!!! He so looks like Reagan in the pic. with her!!!!!! What a good lookin little guy he is........... Wish I could see them more often and give you a hand. Hope our little Raegan gets to feeling better and back to her sweet little self soon...... Hugs to all
I am getting so antsy to get out there and see the little fella. He's so stinking cute!!
it's always fun to hear how everyone is doing. Gus just looks like a mini kirk I think:) It is fun to see him laying on his blanket. I hope he loves laying on it:) My mom and I made the bedding for Emry's room last weekend, so I need to post some pictures. It was fun to make:)
Love you all lots
I have a real need to hug those cute little babies, BUUUUUT,guess I will have to settle for a new picture, hint, hint. I look at this at least twice aday, I guess just to check out if they were really as cute this time as last and guess what they just get cuter, oh to live closer.... Glad everyone is feeling better.XOXOXOXOXO
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