Thursday, August 13, 2009


O.k. I am sorry that I haven't updated in a while.  My pictures have gotten out of hand and in order to download them I would be downloading 200+ pics, so I've been lazy.  Our summer is quickly coming to the end :(  It is bitter sweet. I don't want to start school, but it also means that we are going to be having a baby real soon. I am now 37 1/2 weeks pregnant and really could have this baby any day now. I don't think I will have him until the 29th or so. That is just my guess, but he has a mind of his own and will make his big debut when he is ready. I can say that I have reached the miserable point of pregnancy.  Heartburn, leg cramps, and of course no sleep due to being so uncomfortable. Kirk I'm sure is tired of my whining, but hopefully it won't be for much longer! We have been busy in the last month or so.  We have gotten to see some of my family that I haven't seen in a really long time. We had a family reunion for my mom's side of the family here about 3 weeks ago. Some of my relatives from Oregon were here and it was so great to see them as I haven't seen some of them since I was 8 years old or so. It was really fun to introduce my family to them.  After the reunion my Aunt Susan and cousin Jessica along with her 2 boys came to visit. It was really fun to see them and to have our kids meet each other.  And here in the last few days my oldest sister Sarah is here with her family.  I always love to see them and so glad that they came to visit.  They will be heading back to Wyoming tomorrow because the girls start school next Monday. My mom came down here on Tuesday and will be staying until after the baby comes. She is always such a huge help with the new babies.  Kirk's mom will hopefully be able to make it down shortly after the baby comes as well. Peyton will start her 2nd year of preschool on Sept. 4th.  and she will be going 4 days a week. So needless to say, we are going to be going full force starting next week.  Kirk will be starting football on Monday, then teachers start back next Wednesday, baby is due the following Monday and then Peyton starts school. So our nice relaxing time is quickly coming to an end. Well, I hope this updates everyone with what is going on with us. I'm sure I didn't cover everything but this is most of it.  I will post pics later.  Take care-


Leslie said...

Ryan already started school this week and Eme starts kindergarten on Monday. Crazy.
Good luck with the beginning of school. I can't wait to hear baby news.

Went's Grammy said...

Aren't families wonderful! I always enjoy it when we can all be together at the same place, at the same time.........magic. We are looking so forward to "THE NEWS" what an exciting time! I am still hoping Little Gus will arrive on August 31, that's just a 18 days. Hang in there little buddy!

Tschetter's said...

Looking forward to the news of your new arrival. Always fun to have babies around - easy for me to say now lol. Haley starts school Wednesday, and we take Cortney to school on the 29th.

CHICK said...

So how did little Gus get along at school today????? Hope he is a good boy and gives you the chance to get things done the way you need to... Can you believe it like only 11 more days and we get to meet the little guy.. How did the girls do with Mom off to school again??????? Hugs to all, I love you